May 1, 2017: Dr. Nick Proferes New Position: University of Kentucky

Nicholas Proferes, a Postdoctoral Scholar at the College of Information Studies’ Ethics and Values in Design Lab, has accepted an assistant professor position at the University of Kentucky, effective this fall. Dr. Proferes joined the University of Maryland in August 2015. While at the iSchool, Proferes has been an integral part of the Ethics and Values in Design Lab, researching how developers saw social implications of their work and the values that their work would promote.

Check out the news here:

August 1, 2016: U.S. National Science Foundation Awards!

With multi-campus collaborators, we’ve been awarded two new grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation:

  • Search Among Secrets will create search engines for large personal datasets (such as email) that respect context-appropriate privacy norms. With Doug Oard and Jimmy Lin.
  • The Development of Ethical Cultures in Computer Security Research will use historical and bibliometric methods to understand the development of ethical cultures in cybersecurity. With Megan Finn, Jevin West, and Franziska Roesner.